
Gum Disease Chat – Crown Lengthening Procedure Discussion

Gum Disease Chat and more – here with us @  Gum disease comes in various degrees, with peridontitus being one of the worst type or severe form of gum disease. We are looking for more dental content on here, to help our users gain more dental information. was founded by a dentist and an IT health care technology  professional – looking to bring something fresh and innovate into the dental space.  Great time to market online with us.

Local Emergency Dental Chatting Online & Local Emergency Dentists Chat online with us – We are looking to discuss various dental subjects involving dental care.  For this blog, want to discuss crown lengthening procedure. 

Why is a Crown Lengthening procedure done –  for one, there  caries, tooth malformation,  attrition, excessive tooth reduction,  erosion, genetic variations and many times because of tooth fracture below the gum line.  So, if a dentist wants to place a crown, and a lot of the tooth is broken or not visible easily because it is broken around the gum line.  The dentist will remove part of the gum to show more of the tooth, so a good crown impression can be done – so, the crown will be placed on the tooth easily and with a good fit.

Crown Lengthening is done by dentists when more area is needed for placement of a dental crown.  Now a days, with advance dental technology – lasers are sometimes used to do this procedure as well.

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